JAN 8, 2021 - NEWS

How to set up PayPal Payflow
with your ResNexus Account

September 2, 2020 - NEWS

Not All SSL Certificates Are Created Equal

Recently, ResNexus came out with new add-on feature called PayPal Payflow, which is separate from PayPal Express Checkout. Learn about how PayPal Payflow can benefit you and your business.

What is PayPal Payflow?

PayPal Payflow is a modifiable card processor that doesn't take the user away from a business' website during checkout. This makes purchasing a product or booking a reservation easy because customers won't have to create an account with PayPal to use the service. The secure, open payment gateway can process debit and credit card transactions.

Let's look at how to set up Payflow within ResNexus.

How to set up PayPal Payflow

1. Sign up with PayPal Payflow. You can choose to sign up for the Payflow Link which is $0/month or Payflow Pro which is $25/month, depending on your needs.

2. Once you have finished signing up, you will need to enter the following information into ResNexus under "Settings" > "Credit card processing:"
  • Partner name (This field should be populated with "PayPal" if signing up directly, otherwise it will be provided by the reseller)
  • Merchant ID (This was created when the account is created)
  • Username (this will be the same as the Merchant ID unless you have chosen to create a different username)
  • Password

3. Click "Save" at the bottom.

Once the set-up is done, you can modify Payflow to meet your needs and give customers the easy card processing experience they want.

Before we introduced PayPal Payflow, we provided connection to a service called PayPal Express Checkout. Here's the difference between the two.

PayPal Payflow vs. PayPal Express Checkout

While both Payflow and Express Checkout allow your guests to purchase one of your products, there is a slight difference between the two.

With Payflow, customers stay on your website and don't need a PayPal account to purchase one of your products. They simply enter in their credit card or debit card information. With Express Checkout, they need a PayPal account and will be redirected to PayPal to enter in their information; once they're done using PayPal, they'll be redirected back to your website.

Both are good for helping customers make purchases. You'll just need to decide which one you think your customers would use more.

In Conclusion

Setting up PayPal Payflow with your ResNexus account is easy and simple. Here are the three basic steps as a recap:

1. Sign up with PayPal Payflow.
2. Enter in your necessary information.
3. Click "Save."

And that's it! Once you've completed those steps, your customers can start entering their credit card information for secure purchases with ease.