Q: What kind of properties is BookOutdoors looking for (and not looking for)?
A: BookOutdoors offers a wide range of accommodations and amenities that elevate the guest experience with comfort, service, and convenience. They are focused exclusively on outdoor hospitality, so properties like RV resorts, managed campgrounds, cabins, glamping resorts, luxury tent hotels, ski lodges, and other outdoor accommodations are a perfect fit. They are NOT interested in private or residential land disguised as a campsite, nor are hotels or motels a good fit.
Q: Are there any fees or contracts?
A: BookOutdoors charges a referral fee for bookings made on their marketplace, meaning that you only pay when they bring business to you. The referral fee covers the credit card processing fees for the booking, as well as the extensive marketing and customer support that BookOutdoors provides. There are no long-term contracts - you can try it out and remove your listing at any time.
Q: Will BookOutdoors set up the listing for me?
A: Absolutely! Once you add BookOutdoors as a marketing channel in ResNexus, the BookOutdoors team will build your listing for you. Simply fill out the partner form to get started.
Q: How long will it take BookOutdoors to contact me about my listing?
A: You will usually hear from them in just a few hours, and your listing can be live in as little as a day or two!