Microsoft Outlook Email Rendering Issues


Microsoft Outlook Email Rendering Issues

ResNexus property management software provides robust built-in email marketing services, so you can reach out to your audience with professional, custom emails. This allows our clients to improve their return guest rate with special offers and promotions. And for the vast majority of cases, these emails reach their recipients properly formatted and displayed.

One exception to this success story is Microsoft Outlook, which has issues displaying marketing emails from ResNexus.

Unfortunately, Microsoft Outlook has a storied history of email rendering issues for a wide variety of software applications, dating at least as far back as 2016. This can result in emails appearing with incorrect white space, element placements, image rendering, and more. This has caused no small amount of frustration for marketers and business owners, and rightfully so. When you send out an email, you should reasonably expect it to look the same across all email clients.

Fortunately, the percentage of users that are impacted by this issue is rather small. Nearly 90% of the email client market share belongs to Apple and Google, with Microsoft Outlook only claiming 3.24%.
ResNexus property management software provides robust built-in email marketing services, so you can reach out to your audience with professional, custom emails. This allows our clients to improve their return guest rate with special offers and promotions. And for the vast majority of cases, these emails reach their recipients properly formatted and displayed.

One exception to this success story is Microsoft Outlook, which has issues displaying marketing emails from ResNexus.

Unfortunately, Microsoft Outlook has a storied history of email rendering issues for a wide variety of software applications, dating at least as far back as 2016. This can result in emails appearing with incorrect white space, element placements, image rendering, and more. This has caused no small amount of frustration for marketers and business owners, and rightfully so. When you send out an email, you should reasonably expect it to look the same across all email clients.

Fortunately, the percentage of users that are impacted by this issue is rather small. Nearly 90% of the email client market share belongs to Apple and Google, with Microsoft Outlook only claiming 3.24%.
What is ResNexus doing to address the issue?

Even though this issue only affects a small percentage of users, we understand the importance of being able to control the way your marketing material is displayed.

We have implemented improvements to alleviate some of these rendering issues. However, if we continue to repair Outlook's broken formatting in our system, it will start causing issues for all other, more popular email clients.

That's why we are working on an integration that will allow our clients to sync their guest lists seamlessly with third party email systems that have found better ways to work with Outlook's rendering issues. Until Microsoft amends these issues, this is the best solution we can provide. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this.


What is ResNexus doing to address the issue?

Even though this issue only affects a small percentage of users, we understand the importance of being able to control the way your marketing material is displayed.

We have implemented improvements to alleviate some of these rendering issues. However, if we continue to repair Outlook's broken formatting in our system, it will start causing issues for all other, more popular email clients.

That's why we are working on an integration that will allow our clients to sync their guest lists seamlessly with third party email systems that have found better ways to work with Outlook's rendering issues. Until Microsoft amends these issues, this is the best solution we can provide. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this.

