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Red Dog Sighting Special (No Meal Tickets)

25% discount
2 night stay special, 25% savings when we open in May prior to Memorial Day while the "Red Dogs" are appearing. Meal tickets, are not included.
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Fall Visit (No Meal Tickets)

15% discount
After labor day to Oct 1, Book a 2 night stay, at a 15% discount rate.
Rooms 1 thru 8 are not eligible for this discount.
No meal ticket will be granted due to the deep...
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5 or More Night Stay

20% discount
Book and stay, 5 nights or more in the same room, 20% discount. This length of stay allows yourself time to explore everything in the park and the surrounding area.
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Bear Spray
Not available to be shipped. This price and product is only available to registered guests. Must pick up at hotel desk during check-in .
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