Switch from CampLife to ResNexus

With ResNexus, you can enjoy commission-free direct bookings, connections to top campground OTAs, and industry-leading customer support.

Find out all the reasons ResNexus is a perfect fit for properties of any size, and see the differences between ResNexus and CampLife in this comparison guide.

Switch from CampLife to ResNexus

With ResNexus, you can enjoy commission-free direct bookings, connections to top campground OTAs, and industry-leading customer support.

Find out all the reasons ResNexus is a perfect fit for properties of any size, and see the differences between ResNexus and CampLife in this comparison guide.



CampLife is More Expensive

Tired of paying high online reservation fees?


Camplife is More Expensive

Tired of paying high online reservation fees?
Based on Campground with 100 Short-Term RV Units ResNexus Logo Camplife Logo
Total Annual Cost $2640.00 $6,899.00
Subscription Fee $220 for the Professional Plus Monthly Subscription Starting at $99.00
Setup Fee $0 $500.00
Online Direct Booking Fee $0* $3,000* ($3.00 per site booked)
Over the Phone Booking Fee $0* $3,000* ($3.00 per site booked)
CampLife OTA Marketplace Booking Fee ResNexus Does Not Have an OTA Marketplace $300*
*Prices shown are based off $50 average per reservation for a total of 1,000 online reservations, 1,000 over the phone reservations, 100 CampLife Marketplace bookings bookings annually. The ResNexus Edition shown is Professional Plus based on a 12-month season.
ResNexus Doesn't Charge Fees Per Direct Booking
Marketing Channels like Expedia, Booking.com, and AirBnb charge anywhere from 6-30% per online reservation booked through their directories. ResNexus doesn’t charge reservation fees for bookings from our online booking engine. We help businesses collect more commission-free reservations and increase their return guest rate.
CampLife Charges Per Reservation Fees on Your Booking Engine
In addition to their monthly subscription, CampLife charges $3.00 for each reservation taken through their online booking engine. They do offer an "Unlimited" plan to remove this fee. CampLife's booking engine is also a large directory of properties similar to Expedia, Booking.com, and AirBnb.
ResNexus Provides Free Setup
All ResNexus editions include free setup, data import, and support. In addition, we don’t charge any setup fees. Our map builder technology allows you to use your existing map. However, if you would like ResNexus to build a map for your property, our maps start at $499 for 50 sites and then $10 per additional site. The maximum that we charge for a map is $2,500.
CampLife Charges Setup Fees
CampLife charges your business a $500 to $3,200 implementation fee to get your property set up. They do provide an interactive map, data transfer, and rate setup as part of this fee.
ResNexus Has Built-in Cart Abandonment
If your guest accidentally closes the browser window or gets interrupted—no problem—Cart Abandonment allows you to collect potential guest information such as name, email, and phone number and send automated, customizable emails to encourage them to complete their reservation. These automated emails happen within minutes of the guest not completing their purchase. In addition, another email is sent a couple of days later. This gives your business the potential to collect even more revenue without you having to lift a finger.
CampLife Allows You to Manually Reach Out to Pending Reservations
CampLife doesn’t offer automated built-in cart abandonment emails. However, you can view pending reservations on a report and respond to your potential guests who did not book a reservation.
ResNexus Lets You Keep Your Credit Card Processor
With ResNexus, you can use your current credit card processor–there is no need to switch. In addition, we offer ResNexus Payments which can either match your current rate. Either way, payments are processed and seamlessly funded to your business' bank account. There are no additional fees from ResNexus to process credit cards.
CampLife Credit Card Processor Options
CampLife's credit card processing options include JetPay, Vantiv, Shift4, and CampLife Pay. If you don't have an account with one of their supported payment processors, you might have to switch.
ResNexus Offers Affordable Seamless Websites
ResNexus websites are affordably priced and include hosting, security, SEO optimization, ADA friendly setup, and initial design! ResNexus also provides additional content writing on your homepage to help increase your Search Engine Optimization. In addition, ResNexus has our price match guarantee, which means you are always getting the website or software for the best price! In addition, ResNexus offers digital relationship marketing services.
CampLife Doesn't Offer Website Services
CampLife adds your property as a page on their online directory alongside other competing properties. If you have an existing website for your property, you can link directly to your CampLife page for booking. Booking directly from your website prevents the competitor listings from showing up.


A Great Online Reservation Experience

ResNexus was built to make the guest shopping experience seamless and enjoyable.


A Great Online Reservation Experience

ResNexus was built to make the guest shopping experience seamless and enjoyable.
Your ResNexus Online Booking Engine Matches Your Website
The ResNexus booking engine is easy-to-use and customizable. In addition, the ResNexus Team makes sure that your online booking engine matches your current website, whether it is provided by ResNexus or not. That means when potential guests go to reserve a site, they don’t feel like they are being sent to a different-looking website. In addition, all reservations that come through the ResNexus online booking engine are commission-free.
CampLife Allows Limited Customization
CampLife allows limited customization of their booking engine to look like your website. You can change colors, add your property’s logo, and add a custom background image.
Easy & Intuitive Shopping
ResNexus was designed with your campground guests in mind, because we know that if your guest has a great shopping experience your business will enjoy increased revenue. That’s why the ResNexus booking engine shows your sites or map right from the start—a unique benefit that helps your business increase reservations. Your booking engine is your virtual store, immediately show your guests what they want to buy.
CampLife Pressures Your Guest with a Countdown Timer
CampLife allows your business to have many required fields and won’t show any inventory until you complete them all. This can disrupt the natural shopping process. Filling out seven or more required fields might be convenient for your business but could be viewed as a hassle by your guests. In addition, a brightly colored countdown clock pressures the customer throughout the process. Guests can add 15 minutes to their time via the Accessibility menu at the top of the page.
Your Policies Stand Out
When a guest makes a booking online, your property's policies are automatically displayed as a part of the reservation process.
Don’t Camouflage Your Policies
CampLife requires the guest to click to view your policies and terms and conditions. Making your potential guest hunt for the policies can slow down the booking process. CampLife requires your guest to click and agree to your policies whether they have read them or not.
ResNexus Protects Your Business From Last Minute Cancellations Due to Illness
With ResNexus Travel Protection, you can protect your business from revenue losses from last-minute cancellations due to illness, injury, death, or travel delay. We also protect your guest against adverse weather involving rain. Your guests can simply select the Travel Protection option during the booking process, and if they cancel for one of the protected reasons, both you and your guest will be reimbursed 100% of the booking cost minus the travel protection fee.
CampLife Does Not Integrate With a Trip Protection Service
CampLife does not currently provide a limited warranty trip protection integration. If a guest has to cancel last-minute due to illness or health condition, your property must fall back on your own cancellation policies, which could result in a loss of revenue depending on the strictness of your terms and conditions.
Sidebars and Upselling Throughout the Booking Process
ResNexus allows you to easily display retail items, specials, and packages alongside your sites while the guest is browsing. In addition, ResNexus separates your retail items as it's own page with large pictures so that your guest can't miss them. Add-ons can give your business thousands of dollars in additional revenue and enhance your guests' stay.
Add-ons Are Hidden Until You Choose a Site
CampLife does not have a way to display retail items to guests until after they have already selected a site.


Support & Security

Do you want to be heard and taken care of?


Support & Security

Do you want to be heard and taken care of?


Red Carpet Support

ResNexus is more than a software company. Our highly trained staff is ready to answer your call quickly and professionally. In addition, we provide emergency support if your business runs into problems after regular business hours. Our ResNexus support teams also respond to Facebook. 
ResNexus Has Hundreds of Reviews
ResNexus is the highest rated product in the Campground Management Software category on Capterra, with similar ratings on Software Advice. Our highly trained staff is ready to answer your call–quickly. We also provide emergency support if your business runs into problems after hours and have an extensive library of support videos. We are one of the highest rated companies in the campground industry!
CampLife Has Fewer Reviews
CampLife has positive reviews on Capterra and Software Advice. We recommend you check out both companies user reviews found on these sites. CampLife's reviews on Google and Facebook are hard to find or not enabled. They do have call-in support, chat and a video library.
Monthly Industry Knowledge and Webinars
ResNexus is here to help your business grow. That why each month we offer educational webinars that discuss everything from developing trends in the hospitality and campground industries to new ResNexus features to help your business operate more easily. We also share news about issues that affect your business on our website and facebook. In addition, we have an annual training conference called ResNexus Academy.
CampLife Posts on Facebook
CampLife posts articles on facebook and occasionally presents at various conferences. They provide webinars and a training video library for their users.
ResNexus is More Secure
Our system meets a specific standard of security set by multiple credit card companies called PCI. Because our system includes security features that require password updates, and deletes credit card information automatically, our customers guests are more safe. Not only that, we pay a company to come audit our system and our company to make sure we meet these high standards. They give us a certificate to prove it! We’ve been in this industry for 18 plus strong years, and your security matters to us.
CampLife Is Less Secure
CampLife uses self-assessment to determine their PCI compliance. Any software that records, inputs or collects credit card data, whether tokenized or not, should have a qualified 3rd party audit their system and procedures.
ResNexus Was Born in the Cloud—Since 2005
ResNexus is one of the fastest growing campground reservation softwares in the industry! We have grown to over 850 campground and glamping properties since 2014. ResNexus has a long history (since day one) of being in the cloud and we understand how to do it well. Our cloud is designed with redundancy, security and speed in mind. Over 3,600 hospitality properties trust us with their business. Our mission is to "Elevate Industries, one business at a time, through service, innovation, and education."
CampLife Has Been Cloud-Based Since 2007
CampLife started as a cloud-based kiosk software for campgrounds. After 17 years in the industry they have over 645 campground clients. Like ResNexus, they continue to grow in clients.


Easy-to-Use Marketing Tools

How valuable is your time and energy?


Easy-to-Use Marketing Tools

How valuable is your time and energy?
Automatic Marketing Emails + Great Service
Not only does ResNexus have the best looking Welcome and Thank You emails, we take your business further with Birthday, Anniversary, Holiday emails and Newsletters. The best part—we set them all up for you as part of our Red Carpet Service.
CampLife Has Marketing Tools, but No Setup Assistance
CampLife does offer automatic email templates which can be branded to match your property, but you have to set everything up yourself.
ResNexus Has Promotional Side Bars On the First Page
ResNexus displays your top retail offers and specials to potential guests right from the start. In addition, your retail items are shown again on a separate callout page once the guest selects a campground or site.
Camplife Does Not Have Sidebars
CampLife doesn’t have retail sidebars on the first landing page of their booking engine. As mentioned previously, retail items, specials, and packages are inaccessible until after site selection.
ResNexus Provides Revenue Management Tools Including Expiring Minimum Nights
ResNexus developed innovative automatic yield management capabilities in late 2013. You can increase your revenue by changing your rates based on occupancy, date of booking, and weekday. Plus, ResNexus goes further with expiring minimum nights to enforce longer stays or not require them based on your season. In addition, ResNexus makes it easy to set daily, weekly and monthly rates.
CampLife Also Provides Dynamic Pricing Options
CampLife does allow properties to institute minimum night restrictions, as well as daily, weekly, and monthly rate options. Like ResNexus, CampLife also provides lock fees and yield management based on occupancy.
ResNexus Has a Variety of OTA Options
ResNexus directly connects to a wide variety of marketing channels such as Booking.com, Expedia, Spot2nite and TripAdvisor. In addition, ResNexus has a unique direct connection to VRBO that does not use ical. This helps prevent double bookings from having to manually enter in reservations from VRBO. ResNexus does have a commission-free pricing option to connect to the OTA's.
CampLife Offers No Other Connections
CampLife has its own marketing channel and directory, and does not allow you to connect to other marketing channels and directories such as Booking.com, Expedia, and Airbnb.