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How to Use Hashtags Effectively at
Your Hotel / Bed & Breakfast 

By Nathan Gawlik
Nathan Gawlik's experience includes being a General Manager of a Hampton Inn and other front line roles such as a Banquet Captain, Front Desk Agent, Housekeeper, Catering Event Manager, and Director of Sales.

How to Use Hashtags Effectively at
Your Hotel / Bed & Breakfast 

By Nathan Gawlik

Hashtags aren't just something used by teenagers on Instagram; they are an important tool used in online marketing. These hashtags can improve the performance of your business as well.

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag uses the number sign (also known as the pound or hash sign) followed by a word or phrase without any spacing in between. People use hashtags to summarize their social media posts into a single tag or to be grouped with other similar posts with the same hashtag.
four people each hold a colorful image over their face commonly associated with social media

How does this help you market your business?

Hashtags are used across a variety of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. The birth of the hashtag happened on Twitter back in 2007 in a post to group users together that are interested in a common topic.
Of course, hashtags are still being used today to group together individual tweets that discuss a common topic.

Basically, hashtags help us find topics we are interested in. Brands can take advantage of hashtags to reach groups of people that might be in their target demographic or simply engage in conversation around a certain topic. Brands can also create their own hashtag to promote an event or even their property. It's important to note that you want to put your marketing efforts towards platforms where your consumers are already spending their time.

Likewise, it's a good rule of thumb not to limit your social media marketing efforts to just one platform. People consume media differently. Consider using a tool like Sparktoro to determine where to connect with your audience. Once you have that, pick a couple of channels and create an account specifically for your business. Don't use your personal account. Finally, before you get started, consider using one of the tools listed in the resource section below to track your campaign. These free tools can help you improve your efforts online. They will also be able to help you get a firm understanding of where your target demographic is spending much of their time.

Hashtags on Instagram

Instagram focuses on pictures, as evidenced by their many photo editing filters, and has a slightly younger demographic, with 56 percent of its users being 34 and younger. Hashtags are used liberally on Instagram, so much so that Instagram had to limit the number of hashtags to 30 for each picture. Searching a single hashtag can garner hundreds if not thousands of image results, which if used correctly can help you get discovered and increase your social media reach. The more people that see your campaign the better. The best way to do this is to use trending hashtags. These are hashtags that are currently being used frequently. You don't want your hard work to go unnoticed.
a hand holds a cell phone as hearts, hashtags, likes and other social media symbols surround the phone

Hashtags on Facebook

Hashtags work in a different way on Facebook. This is because Facebook is much more focused on people, including those with private profiles. These hashtags are often used to express emotion rather than to promote an event or group; although not exclusively. For example, a user might update their status as receiving a promotion or getting a new job so they could tag that post with feeling #blessed or #overjoyed.

Note that 65 percent of Facebook's users are 35 and older. Consider marketing on Facebook if your target demographic is 35 or older.

Facebook is the place to search for people or brands that you like. But that doesn't mean hashtags don't have a place on the platform. A brand can create its own hashtag link and associate it with every post. This way, if clicked on, this hashtag will take the user to a playlist of all their posts using this hashtag, thus giving them a greater understanding of the brand. If you are going to create a social media account, planning a multi-post campaign is a great first step.

Marketing is building a relationship with an audience. They want to be fed content more than once. A commonly held belief in the advertising industry is that an individual needs to see an ad seven times before they will act on it. Sometimes referred to as the "Seven Times Factor", research has shown that you need to see an advertisement seven times before you even notice it. Planning a series of posts with the same hashtag is a great way to accomplish that on the most popular social media platform, Facebook.


Hashtags are used in much of the same way on LinkedIn; however, the platform is typically used for Business to Business networking. Keep that in mind if using this platform. Using it to connect with vendors and suppliers is a great use of this network. Or if you have meeting space available, consider promoting your intimate event space for small group gatherings to local businesses.

Hashtags still find content related to a given topic on this platform. LinkedIn will often suggest hashtags while you are writing a post. Consider searching for hashtags that might be used to describe your business and see if you want to follow that group or, if it isn't taken, consider using it. Users can view the hashtags they follow in LinkedIn by clicking on "My Network" and then on the left is "Your Hashtags." Clearly, LinkedIn is encouraging the use of hashtags. However, limiting your posts to 3-5 hashtags keeps the post cleaner and more professional. Similarly, Youtube has a limit of just 15 hashtags and threatens to even remove the video if it is over-tagged. Over-tagging is a tactic to try to gain exposure, but abuse of hashtags that aren't relevant ruins the experience for others.

Woman forms a hashtag symbol with two fingers from each hand over the setting sun

Other Pitfalls to Avoid

If you are using a pre-existing hashtag, be sure to review the hashtag to ensure it aligns with the topic you are promoting. DiGiorno Pizza got in some hot water a few years ago because they misused the hashtag "Why I stayed" that refers to survivors of domestic violence when discussing staying for pizza.

Similarly Entenmann's, a US baked goods maker, unknowingly joined the conversation surrounding the Casey Anthony murder case when they used the #NotGuilty, stating in a tweet, "Who's #notguilty about eating all the tasty treats they want?"

"Research has shown that you need to see an advertisement seven times before you even notice it."


Be sure to track your hashtags. See when they are used, how they are used, who is using them, and how often. It is important to know who is using your hashtag because not everyone's social media reach is the same. Identify influencers that are using your hashtag to discover micro-influencers, big-name influencers, or companies in complementary industries. Armed with this knowledge, you can start to build meaningful relationships and engaging content online.

Tools & Resources and are really only good for hashtag intensive sites like Twitter and Instagram, while searches for tags across the entire internet. Google Analytics can be used in tandem with any of these other tools. This will help you dive deeper and get a better understanding of your hashtags. These can help you determine the source of your direct traffic. This is important information so you can know where you should focus your advertising. 
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