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As competition becomes more and more fierce, it's never been more important to have a solid understanding of marketing principles and your target audience. As technology develops, marketing strategies develop too.

Learn about finding business through social media, digital marketing, content marketing, and other unique avenues. Don't miss out on opportunities to get your product or location in front of potential clients.

The Ultimate Guide on How To Use Facebook Ads for Your Hotel
Your crash course on all things Facebook marketing. This step-by-step guide covers the basics of how to set up an ad and provide some tips for effective strategy for your hospitality business.

How to Use Google Hotel Ads for Boutique Hotels
Get all of your questions answered about Google Hotel Ads and how to use it to generate more direct bookings for your small hospitality business.

Marketing Tips & Fundamentals
Understanding the 5 W's of marketing will allow you to successfully market to your target demographic and bring in more of the kind of business you want.

Hashtags & Social Media
Staying up to date on the latest social media trends can help you reach a large audience in a short time with minimal effort, if you know a few basic principles to start.

How to Attract Digital Nomads to Your Hotel
As more and more companies transition to a remote workforce, workers are finding themselves free to travel. Learn how to attract these digital nomads to your property.

Triple A (AAA)
Did you know that AAA has a Diamond rating program for your property and a full suite of marketing and promotional options? We will give you all you need to know to reach their over 60 million customers.

What Millennials and Generation Z want for their weddings
Knowing what Millennials or Generation Y (people in their 20s and 30s) and Generation Z (people in their 10s and 20s) want for their weddings can help you market to them easier.

How to Respond to Online Reviews
Bad reviews happen. It's how you respond to them that matters most. Learn about customer shopping habits and managing your reputation to increase your success.

Is Texting the Right Tool for Your Hotel
All generations and demographics use texting. Today, it's one of the easiest ways to reach your guests, but is texting right for your B&B, campground or hotel?