Make your posts easy to read.
If your post is longer than a page in a book, you will most likely need to make it shorter. On most social media platforms, having a post that's only a few lines or even words long is good enough because your readers only care to scan information. Make sure the few lines on the post are important information about the job ad. Then link to where the actual job listing is, where they can read the full description if they're interested in the job.
Though, if you choose a social media platform that allows for more words, like Facebook, you can describe the job listing in greater detail, but you still need to make that information easy to scan through.
Make your post noticeable.
If you want people to see you have a job opening, you have to make that post stand out. Make sure you have a beautiful image that catches the reader's eye. Have an interesting headline that draws in potential employees. Or tell a story with your post, having it relate back to the job opening. Make sure you're appealing to your target audience through your writing tone.
Then have a call to action on the post somewhere, so they can easily apply to or read through your job description.
"Research suggests that social media posts should be vivid, practical, interesting, personalized, and interactive," according to a 2017 study published by Business Horizons. "Characteristics of interest, personalization, and interactivity might need to be adapted to the cultural conditions of specific target markets."
Let's take a look at these three tips once more.